Why Panama?
1. Panama offers several regions to suit all lifestyles, from the active and luxurious modern capital city with skyscrapers, to serene houses in front of the beach and spectacular country estates overlooking valleys and mountains.
2. There is a stunning variety of locations and climates available in this small, rich country.
3. Panamá is international economic center in Latin America and has a steady stream of investors from all over the world who comprise part of the more than 500,000 corporations registered in the country .
4. Panama offers properties with all the amenities and excellent infrastructure of a first world country for a fraction of the price. Government programs offer special benefits and discounts on many things for foreign retirees, such as restaurant meals, airfares in the country, prescription drugs, and even the closing costs on your new beach house.
5. Panama's climate is ideal. Due to its proximity to the Equator, Panamá never has destructive storms or hurricanes. There are two seasons, a wet one and a dry one, but neither is particularly cold. Furthermore, it does not have the number of earthquakes which effect many of the neighboring countries.